Tummy Tuck
Define and flatten your stomach area to enhance your natural shape.
The muscles and skin of the abdomen can lose their firmness and elasticity due to age, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, genetic predisposition and other factors. The result is often a drooping, distended abdominal region, extra rolls, or extra skin at the belt line. Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, can help address these concerns by removing excess skin and by tightening and repairing the loose musculature of the abdomen for a flatter, firmer appearance.
Abdominoplasty surgery can range from minor skin tightening at the lower abdomen or C-section scar, to liposuction of the abdomen and flanks, to tightening the entire abdomen, including the upper pubic area and the abdominal muscles. During your consultation, Dr. Shock will listen to your concerns and help you decide what type of abdominoplasty will best achieve your goals.